The Ultimate, Multi-functional Scribing Tool


 The Scribe-Mate is more than just another tool. It's a revolutionary addition to any tradesman's kit, designed to make your work faster, cleaner, and more precise.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or a DIY enthusiast, the Scribe-Mate will save you time and effort while delivering perfect results. With its modern design and intuitive user guide, it's easy to see why this unique tool is quily becoming the go-to choice for tradesmen everywhere.




What is Scribe-Mate?​

Marking a precise scribe line on a fillet has always been a challenge—

keeping it firmly in place without flexing makes accuracy difficult. Traditionally, the best you could achieve was a rough guideline.

Not anymore. Scribe-Mate holds the fillet securely, ensuring a perfect, accurate scribe—first time, every time.

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